The Regional Archaeological Museum (MAR) of Alcalá de Henares launches the exhibition 'Idols. Millenary looks'

The exhibition, curated by Primitiva Bueno Ramírez, Professor of Prehistory at Universidad de Alcalá, together with Jorge A. Soler Díaz, Director of Exhibitions and Curator of Prehistory at MARQ, can be visited until January 10, 2021.

Regional Archaeological Museum (MAR) has presented the exhibition ‘Idols. Millenary looks’. This exhibition, which arises from the collaboration with the Archaeological Museum of Alicante (MARQ), discovers the first artistic expressions of the figure and the human face, in stone, ceramics, bone, ivory and gold, corresponding to the Prehistory in the Iberian Peninsula, between 3300 and 2500 BC with the origin of religiosity, social hierarchy or Neolithic pervivences as leading figure.

'Idols' brings together 226 pieces from 20 museums and collections in Spain and Portugal, including the National Archaeological Museum, Huelva Museum, Jaén Museum, Archaeological Museum of Sevilla, Archaeological and Ethnological Museum of Cordoba, Provincial Archaeological Museum of Badajoz, Museum of Valladolid, Museum of Prehistory of Valencia, MARQ Archaeological Museum of Alicante, Camil Visedo Moltó de Alcoy, Municipal Museum of Lorca, Museu Nacional de Arqueologia de Lisboa, ERA Collection and Regional Archaeological Museum of Madrid.

In addition, it has the support of audiovisuals directed by Gustavo Vílchez, which presents the exhibition and the research process of idols and it´s meaning is evoked.

Publicado en: Inglés